Girl and the Sea
(капитан Антон Иванович)
Save Our Souls
The Feasts of Valtasar, or The Night with Stalin
Tattooed Mummy
The Train Has Stopped
(Yurko Petrichka)
Night Without Mercy
Night Witches
(Major General of Aviation)
We Take Everything Upon Ourselves
(captain 1st rank)
Tachanka from the South
Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasov
Syn chempiona
The Mire
Starling and Lyre
The Song of Manshuk
(german officer)
The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers
(officer in the billiard room)
The Golden Echelon
We Accuse
Gruz Bez Markirovki
(организатор политической провокации)
Kings of Crime
Seventeen Moments of Spring
(Kaltenbrunner's adjutant)
Long Road in the Dunes
(Georgiy Matveevich)
КГБ в смокинге
The ultimate reason for kings
(Christopher Todd - secretary of the treasury)