Kaiti Konstantinou (Rododaphne, Achaia, 18 December 1962 – Athens, 10 March 2025) was a Greek comedic actress of theatre, film and television. She became particularly known for her role as Soso Papadima in the comedy series Crimes (1998-2000). She participated in many television series, theatre performances and films. She was born in Rododaphne, Achaia. She simultaneously finished the Philosophy and Drama School of the Art Theatre, from which she graduated in 1986, together with her friends Maria Kavogianni and Yro Mane. She had also worked as a philologist. Her first role was in the theatre play "Inner Voices" at the Art Theatre. She became widely known for her performance as Soso Papadima in the series "Crimes". She had participated in many theatrical performances, as well as in films and television series. For the last two years of her life, she struggled with an aggressive form of cancer. She died as a result of this in a private hospital in Athens after a short hospitalization, on March 10, 2025, at the age of 62.
Crying... Silicon Tears
(Tzela's friend)
Blackmail Boy
Ένας Γάμος, Μια Κηδεία Και Μια Βουλγάρα
My Best Friend
You Can’t Take From One Who Does Not Have
Δεληγιάννειο Παρθεναγωγείο
(Δεσπούλα Δεληγιάννη-Μεταξά)
Ntoltse Vita
(Κυρία Χρυσούλα)
7 Thanásimes Petherés
7 Thanásimes Petherés
7 Thanásimes Petherés
(Σωσώ Παπαδήμα)
Mama's Cake
(Evanthia Vasilena)
Kapou se Xero
(Kostas Karlatos / Lilika Georgiou)
The Curse of Tzela Delafraga
(Alexis Vrontaki)
Η Μαμά Λείπει Ταξίδι για Δουλειές
(Άντζι Αυξεντίου)