Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game
The Ballad of Bering and His Friends
Batallions Ask for Fire
(Col. Evgeni Alekseev)
(Nikolai Afanasevich)
(Deacon Ivan)
Arbat Motif
(Nikolai Valentinovich)
Silver Fox
Gulya Korolyova
A Few Drops
(Андрей Селезнев)
Seraphim Island
Ordinary Circumstances
Comrade Nikanorova Awaits You
Right to Choose
Осенняя история
(Pavel Vasil'yevich Olenin - brigadir na metallurgicheskom zavode)
And Then I Said No
Man Without a Passport
(Владимир Бахров)
Строится мост
Poacher Hunter
(Papa Vasi)
Every Third
Just Three Weeks...
Rain in a Foreign City
Fourth Height
Splashes of Champagne
(Tonya's Father)
The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin
(Veniamin Petrovich)
Caesar and Cleopatra
The Man Who Doubts
I've Bought Myself a Father
(дядя Коля)
A Sinful Angel
Meeting at the Crossing
Second Wind
(Sergey Antonovich Druz)
You Wrote to Me...
Такая короткая долгая жизнь
(Иван Петрович Игнатьев)
Russia Is Young
(посол Измайлов)
Women in a Game Without Rules
Battle for Moscow
(полковник Орленко)