Egyptian actor who's famous for his role on the comedy series Three Stories (2019) starring Donia Samir Ghanem. He also appeared on several other works including the series The Game (2020) starring Chico and Hesham Maged.
Mama Hamel
The Hostage
Scheherazade, Tell Me a Story
Captain of Egypt
Agent Zero
Taslim Ahali
(عقيد مهيوب الطلة / سائق أوبر)
Zombie Ala Gamby
Local Dog
(نقيب شرطة)
My Brother Above in the Tree
Yom We Leila
My Wife's Ex
Mr. Ex
(أحد الشهود)
The Blue Elephant 2
(بواب عمارة فريدة)
Al-Baa'd La Yazhab L Al-Ma'zoun Maratayen
A Stand Worthy of Men
(هدهد الأسيوطي)
Vernacular Plan
(عامل البنزينة)
Mohema Mesh Mohema
(النوبي - حارس الإستراحة)
No Trespassing or Cameras Allowed
Khassesny Shokran
El Hana El Ana Feeh
(مدحت السبعاوي (سائق) - ضيف شرف)
El Kebeer Awi
Like Luke
El Le'ba
Al-Sherka Al-Almanya Lmokafahet Al-Khawareq: Gamgoum w Bembem
Al Waseya
Unstable Mind
Home is My Home
Sweet Dreams
Parallel Universe
Three Stories
In The La La Land
Younes Ambulance
Quarter Kilo of Romy Cheese
The Men of the House
El Wad Sayed El Shahat
Best Father
Sweet The World Sugar
Daddy came
Divine Secret
The Return of the Prodigal Father
Not Suitable for Publication
Captain Anoush
Khefet Yad
(محمد أوتاكا)
For Smart People Only