In the Dust of the Stars
William the Conqueror
The Hundred Lei Bill
I, You, and Ovidiu
Circus Performers
Die Kreuzritter 1475
Like in Films
Circus Performers at the North Pole
Blue Bird
Sing, Cowboy, Sing
Beyond the Sands
Felix and Otilia
The Pale Light of Sorrow
Stephen the Great: Vaslui 1475
(Maria of Mangop, Stephen's wife)
We Do Not Film Just for Fun
(Set Production Assistant / comrade Diaconu)
Tonight We'll Celebrate in the Family
Aurel Vlaicu
(Elena Caragiani Stoenescu)
The Fourth Flock
Mercenaries' Trap
(The Countess)
A World Wihout Sky
The Brothers
Three Secret Letters
Life Like Laughing
The Moment
(Ruxandra Mărăcineanu)
(Silvia Buraga)
Arms of Afrodite
(Ema Pop)
Strange Agent
(Anda Cernescu)
Casa de la miezul nopții
(Delia Dragomirescu)
Alexandra And The Inferno
Nobody's perfect