Day Watch
(The Inquisitor)
Gentlemen of Fortune
(полковник милиции)
Peace to the Huts, War to the Palaces
Night Watch
Две версии одного столкновения
Come Free
Misty Shores
В одну единственную жизнь
Bummer 2
(grandfather Ilya)
Ne Ostrelennaya Muzyka
(Вадим Нечаев)
Help Me, Bros!
Bear Hunting
The Lost Expedition
(Силантий (золотоискатель))
The Flight
White Shaman
Young Russia
Hot Summer in Kabul
Golden River
It Was the Fourth Year of the War
Punchy Man
(начальник управления)
The Golden Fleece
I'm Coming to You...
(Sergei Merzhinskiy)
The Outskirts
(Kol'ka Poluyanov)
The Legend of Princess Olga
(Oleh the Wise, Prince of Kyiv)
The Cool Guy
Liberation: The Last Assault
Liberation: The Break Through
Flying Days
(Nikolai Boldyrev)
Hard rain
Nochnoy mototsiklist
(Pavel Ivanovich Starina)
Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow
Liberation: The Fire Bulge
The Fight in the Taiga
(Сергей Павловский)
Faithfulness We Pledge
Running from death
Your Special Correspondent
(Андрей Регалие)
I See the Target!
(Подполковник Клоков)
The Ocean
A Long Path on a Short Day
(Maxim Nerchin)
Kyiv Symphony
Russia Is Young
(Молчан Пашка)
Обратной дороги нет
(Григорий Самохин)