حفلة جواز بابا
My Wife's Ex
(سميحة - أم يوسف)
A File in Vice
Meeting on the honeymoon
(The actress)
علمني الحب
Black February
Birds of the Nile
Very Humane
A Cultural Film
Mahrous the Minister's Attaché
Naeema Fakeha Moharama
Operation No. 42
hob wa takhshiba
Goodbye, Hamdi
The Clever Ones
مغامرات زكية هانم
In The La La Land
(Dr. Soad)
My Soul Malak
(أم الخير)
روحي فيك
Palces in the heart
The Seven Commandments
It's Still Too Early
(ضيفة شرف)
ألف ليلة وليلة
Full Count