Gagan Dev (born on May 25th 2000) is an Indian filmmaker. He started making films at the age of 15, and has made over 14 short films which won various awards at regional and national level festivals in India. He has worked in numerous short films often as a screenwriter and creative director. 'applechedikal', translated 'Apple Plants' (2023) is his feature film debut. He co-founded Coconut Talkies, an artists collective that aims at creating films to explore the unique vision of independent thinking and aesthetics.
Alicinte Albhutalokam
for Amose
And they said
for Amose
Alicinte Albhutalokam
And they said
Five Frames and one fine evening we went to tell a story
(Creative Consultant)
Love in Varapuzha
Love in Varapuzha