"Ienne!" is a narrative filmmaker native to the Philippines but currently resides in Jacksonville, FL. His films revolve around topics such as the Filipino-American experience, along with concepts such as perspective and feelings we can't explain. He then aims to present these stories in ways that are almost "genre-undefined" and believes that limits are meant for breaking.
In Our Own Little World
i heard you like true crime
(Director of Photography)
In Our Own Little World
We Dream of Eden
(Director of Photography)
tennis strokes
i heard you like true crime
i heard you like true crime
i heard you like true crime
tennis strokes
We Dream of Eden
We Dream of Eden
We Dream of Eden
i heard you like true crime
We Dream of Eden
Dope Runner
(Camera Operator)
Floating Daisies
Floating Daisies
Floating Daisies
Floating Daisies
(Director of Photography)
Floating Daisies