Ove Wendelboe Sprogøe Petersen (21 December 1919 – 14 September 2004) was a Danish actor. Born in Odense, his parents were Arthur and Inger Sprogøe. He married Eva Rasmussen in 1945, with whom he had three children. One of these is actor Henning Sprogøe. He made his debut in the film Hans Store Aften (His Big Night). His characteristic prominent chin that had been feared an obstacle of his career did not prevent him from being one of the most versatile and used Danish actors. His strength laid in the almost diabolic, michievous and brash but he effortlessly played meek and shy types as well as elegantiers. Among his many roles on stage in classic plays might be mentioned Mephisto in Faust, the title figure of Strindberg’s The Father and some Molière and Bertolt Brecht characters. An extremely popular actor in Denmark, he played many diverse roles, including several recurring television parts. He appeared in 157 films, making him one of the hardest-working actors in the history of Danish film. In his early years he often was the part of a duo working together with his friend and colleague Dirch Passer. He is probably best known for playing one of the lead roles in the Olsen Gang movies, along with Morten Grunwald and Poul Bundgaard, playing the gang leader Egon Olsen, known for his short temper, striped suit, and cigar. By this role he earned an international fame though mostly in Eastern Europe, in the GDR he together with his colleagues became almost a cult figure. Among his TV roles must be mentioned his elegant and humorous ex-burglar Larsen in the series Huset på Christianshavn (“The House at Christianshavn” - the first Danish sitcom) and his role as the wise and courageous doctor Louis Hansen in the epic, historical drama-series Matador, both also shown outside Denmark. He was an able singer especially in shows or revues and his interpretation of Tim Spencer’s Cigarettes, whiskey and wild wild women (in Danish re-creation: Fandens Oldemor – “The Devil’s Great-Grandmother”) almost became his signature tune. He was an actor who combined great public sympathy with the ability to remain a private person with a modest lifestyle. After his death it was revealed that he had been a passionate art enthusiast and had amassed a valuable collection of modern paintings. Shortly after his death in 2004, Nordisk Film (the company that made the Olsen Gang movies) established a scholarship for actors in his name. The state-owned road to Vridsløselille Statsfængsel (the prison where his Egon Olsen character was a frequent "guest"), was renamed by the city of Albertslund to Egon Olsens Vej (Egon Olsen Road). On 24 October 2005, his native city of Odense named a square Ove Sprogøes Plads (Ove Sprogøe Square) in his honour. And the bar 'Cafe Halvvejen', named a shot in his honor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Ove Sprogøe, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.
Charley's Aunt
(Charles Smith)
The Olsen Gang
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang on the Track
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang in Jutland
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang Sees Red
(Egon Olsen)
Days in My Father's House
(Hovmester Watson)
The Olsen Gang in a Fix
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang's Last Trick
(Egon Olsen)
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang Goes to War
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang Outta Sight
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders
(Egon Olsen)
Relax Freddy
(David Smith)
Strike First Freddy
(David Smith)
Summer in Tyrol
(Sigismund Sülzheimer)
The Goldcabbage Family
(Leopold Phieselsknast)
Lise kommer til byen
Rekrut 67 Petersen
The Veterinarian's Adopted Children
Frøken Nitouche
(Ferdinand Piper, teaterdirektør)
The Girl and the Playboy
(Andresen - advokat)
The Musketeers
The Queen's Guardsman
(Tom, "Kulsoen"s mand)
Passer Babysitting Girls
(Thorbjørn Hansen)
Dust for all the Money
(Thorbjørn Hansen)
Dust on the Brain
(Hr. Thorbjørn Hansen)
Journey to the Seventh Planet
(Barry O'Sullivan)
Poeten og Lillemor i forårshumør
The Olsen Gang Runs Amok
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang's Big Score
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang Long Gone
(Egon Olsen)
The Olsen Gang Jumps the Fence
(Egon Olsen)
War of the Birds
(The Male Magpie (voice))
Baronessen fra benzintanken
(Lars Tofte)
You Are Not Alone
(Kim's Father / Superintendent)
Don Olsen kommer til byen
Nyhavns glade gutter
(Direktør Schwartz)
Sømænd og svigermødre
(Peter Jensen - Kanustis ven)
Tough Guys of the Prairie
The Egborg Girl
(Advokat Kurt Mikkelsen)
Magic in Town
(Politiassistent Møller)
Een pige og 39 sømænd
Styrmand Karlsen
(Ole Olsen)
Our Home Is Our Castle
(Hr. Larsen)
Five and the Spies
(Onkel Quentin)
Famous Five Get in Trouble
(Onkel Quentin)
What a Pity About Daddy
(Hr. Smith)
Along Came a Soldier
(Baron Royal King von Konig)
Love Thy Neighbour
(Pastor Weigaard)
The Greeneyed Elephant
På tro og love
Still Dust on the Brain
(Thorbjørn Hansen)
Det var paa Rundetaarn
(Hans Ramløse)
The Missing Clerk
(Teodor Amsted)
Tre små piger
(Biebitz Von Biebitz)
A Day Without Lies
I kongens klæ'r
(Jens Rasmussen - rekrut 65)
Forelsket i København
(Lægeforsker Vagn Jochumsen)
Wife on vacation
(Apoteker John Bjerre)
Når enden er go'
Fun in the Streets
The Girl and the Viscount
Ved Kongelunden...
(Vognstyrer Iversen)
Jasper's Ghost
(The Ghost)
Sorte Shara
Lykkens musikanter
(Havemand Texas)
Tag til marked i Fjordby
(Knud Tofte)
Jeg er sgu min egen
Onkel Bill fra New York
(Johnny Jensen)
Revolution My A..
(Arthur Antonsen)
(Max Møller)
Hip Hip Hurrah!
Det stod i avisen
(Læge S. Gregersen)
Vi har det jo dejligt
Carmen & Babyface
(Engelsk lærere)
Der var engang en gade
(Danselærer Johny Johnsen)
Det var en lørdag aften
Your Money or Your Life
Crazy Paradise
Elvis Hansen, en samfundshjælper
The Revolt of the Thralls
The Thralls' Children
Charlot og Charlotte
(Grev Birksted)
(Direktør Bernhard Bang)
Når engle elsker
(Gabriel, Archangel)
The Red Horses
(Niels Peter Dalum, Oles medstuderende)
Hatten er sat
Farvel Thomas
Hjemme hos William
The Hour of Parting
(Michael Jacobsen)
(Helmer, kriminalassistent)
The Moelleby affair
(Digter Mortensen)
Det er ikke appelsiner - det er heste
Det store løb
(Fuld mand i bus)
Discretion Wanted
Drømmen om det hvide slot
Father of Four
(Bager Høst)
It's Nifty in the Navy
(Knud Hansen)
(Lars Tofte, kroejer og færgemand)
En ven i bolignøden
(Børge Blom)
Hvad vil De ha'?
(Gæst hos Hansens)
Den ubetænksomme elsker
(Overbetjent Olufsen)
I de lyse nætter
Be Dear to Me
Den gamle mølle paa Mols
Lenin, You Rascal, You
Majorens oppasser
(Major Clausen)
In the Middle of the Night
Peters landlov
(Direktør William H. Schmidt)
The Poet and the Little Mother
Murder in the Dark
Mor bag rattet
Friends at Arms: On a Bear Run
(Oberst ved konkurrerende regiment)
Vores fjerde far
Mirror, Mirror
Den kloge mand
Der var engang
(Første frier)
Johnny Larsen
Hjerter er trumf
Crumb at a Gallop
Smedestræde 4
(Ejnar - Pouls ven - cyklebud)
The Poet and Lillemor and Lotte
The Loose Tile
The Girl and the Press Photographer
(Gammel døv dame)
Et dukkehjem
(Sagfører Krogstad)
The Reluctant Sadist
I Adams verden
Kampen mod uretten
Watch Your Back, Professor!
(Konkurrerende redaktør)
Penge som græs
Kriminalsagen Tove Andersen
Kurt & Valde
Kys til højre og venstre
(Ruths Husband)
Nu går den på Dagmar
Vi som går køkkenvejen
Stepping Out
Giv gud en chance om søndagen
(Præst ved Roskilde Domkirke)
Historien om Olsen Banden
Bandefører Balling
Kristinus Bergman
(Bud med nøgle)
3 years after
That Brief Summer
Danmark er lukket
The Viking Watch of the Danish Seaman
Hans Store Aften
Kærlighed ved første desperate blik
The Olsen Gang: Forever!
(Egon Olsen)
Berlingske Tidende 1749-1949
Dansk bladtegning: danske bladtegnere - En dokumentation
(Sig selv)
Final Act
All this - and Iceland too
Children of the Warriors
Det er så yndigt at følges ad
Kick Me in the Traditions!
Superfos Glasuld – et isoleret tilfælde
(Egon Olsen)
Revolutionen i vandkanten
(Mand fra en anden klode)
Næste Gang er det dig
(Mand i cottoncoat)
En dag i radioen
(En maler)
Toppen og bolden
(Fortæller (voice))
The House at Christianshavn
Charlot og Charlotte
(Grev Birksted)
(Holger Anthonsen)
Noget om nisser
Ikke lutter lagkage
Aladdin eller den forunderlige lampe
Far på færde
(Hr. Hermansen)
Vores år
(Ludvig Blom)
Henover midten
(Erich von Herning)
Dr. Dip
(Finn Klar Rask)
(Hr. Christensen)
(Dr. Louis Hansen)
Station 13
Sådan er det bare
(Kurt (Anettes far))
The House at Christianshavn
(Hr. Larsen)
Jul i Gammelby
(Karl-Heinz Bierbaum)