Чужой бумажник
The Envy of Gods
Северная рапсодия
Scenes from Family Life
Из жизни Потапова
We Cannot Predict...
Loan for a Marriage
Kreutzer Sonata
My Dearly Beloved Detective
Old Men: Robbers
(Смотрительница музея)
Give Me a Complaints Book
(буфетчица Зинаида)
Speech for the Defence
Stepanych Spanish Voyage
What a Wonderful Game
Promised Heaven
You I Love
(Elderly Neighbor)
Forgotten Tune for the Flute
(Tatyana Georgievna)
Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation
(gypsy woman)
The Invisible Man
(Mrs. Hall)
All the Things We Dreamt of for So Long
Seven Old Men and One Girl
(врач Кравцова)
Secret of the Blackbirds
(mrs. Griffith)
Next to us
Literature Lesson
(мать ученика)
Schedule for Tomorrow
An Old Acquaintance
Clean Ponds
(Lyubov Kulchitskaya)
I Don't Want to Be a Grown-Up
(Lidiya Semyonova)
The Unamenables
(host of the contest)
Taimyr Calls You
Kysh and TwoBriefcases
Vremya letnikh otpuskov
Uncle's Dream
Nylon 100%
(сестра Инны Серафима Феодоровна)
О друзьях-товарищах
Devil With a Briefcase
Love in Russian
(Анна Александровна, мать Татьяны)
Love in Russian 2
(Анна Александровна, мать Татьяны)
(член комиссии)
...Смена начинается в шесть
Black Berets
(дама с собачкой)
The Man on the Golden Horse
Take Care of the Men!
(Natalya Sergeyevna)
Back to life
The Whistler
The Parasite
Killer's Seat is Vacant
Нюркина жизнь
(мать Юры)
Zigzag of Success
Жизнь прошла мимо
The Chain Reaction
(robbed woman)
Where Is Enohp Located?
(Emma's Aunt)
The Mire
Not Under the Jurisdiction
(airliner passenger)
The Morning Round
(train passenger)
Starling and Lyre
(Lady at the baroness's reception)
Good Morning
(Ирина Ковалёва)
Die 3 aus der Haferstraße
It Also Happens
From Seven to Twelve
(Borya's Mother)
Доктор Вера
...А человек играет на трубе
(Yelena Vasilyevna)
Silver Trumpets
Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tram
(Vera Kapitulova)
(maty Valeriya)