Adhiraj Kashyap is a Film Director and Screenwriter hailing from the city of Guwahati in India. A graduate from Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), his films have been screened at multiple international film festivals, including "International Short Film Festival Oberhausen", "Jio MAMI Mumbai FIlm Festival" etc. Apart from writing and directing a few short films, Adhiraj has significant experience in Screenwriting, including writing a Web-Series and co-writing three Feature Films. Having a deep interest in Literature and Poetry, a lot of his Short Stories have been published in national and international literary magazines.
In the Lap of the Mountain
Isharon Isharon Mein
The Fragrance of Fallen Parijats
The Fragrance of Fallen Parijats
My Shadows and I
Teen By Do
Teen By Do
Isharon Isharon Mein
My Shadows and I
Brocken Spectre
My Shadows and I
Teen By Do
(Assistant Director)