
Alexander Kluge

Alexander Kluge (born 14 February 1932) is a German author, philosopher, academic and film director. Kluge became known in the 1960s and 1970s as one of the most influential representatives of the New German Cinema, which he helped to establish and develop in theory and practice.


Germany in Autumn


Germany in Autumn


Part-Time Work of a Domestic Slave


Yesterday Girl


The Big Mess


The Big Mess


In Danger and Dire Distress the Middle of the Road Leads to Death


News from Ideological Antiquity: Marx – Eisenstein – The Capital


The Patriotic Woman


The Patriotic Woman


Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed


Brutality in Stone


Brutality in Stone


E. A. Winterstein, Fire Extinguisher


The Power of Emotion


The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time


The Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time


Strongman Ferdinand


Chicago in Time Lapse


Ballad Journal No. 9: “Cold Death Interrupts Love”


Sad News


Willi Tobler and the Decline of the 6th Fleet


Willi Tobler and the Decline of the 6th Fleet


Learning Processes with a Deadly Outcome


Die Reise nach Wien


Engine Cough


Miscellaneous News


Das Prinzip Stadt. Oskar Negt über die "Stadt in uns"


Weltmacht Staub. Hartmut Bitomsky über einen unbesiegbaren Zustand der Materie


Das gab’s nur einmal




La Habanera


Neonröhren des Himmels


100 Years of the German Rhine


Protocol of a Revolution


Lehrer im Wandel


Lehrer im Wandel


Part-Time Work of a Domestic Slave


Yesterday Girl


Rule a Great Country as You Would Fry Small Fish


Storm Over Egypt


Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed


The Indomitable Leni Peickert


The Indomitable Leni Peickert


The Deadly Triangle


The Trickiness of Peace Treaties


Miscellaneous News


Frau Blackburn, geb. 5. Jan. 1872, wird gefilmt


A Doctor From Haberstadt


Besitzbürgerin, Jahrgang 1908


Frau Blackburn, geb. 5. Jan. 1872, wird gefilmt


Besitzbürgerin, Jahrgang 1908




Protocol of a Revolution


A Doctor From Haberstadt


Policeman's Lot


Policeman's Lot


In Danger and Dire Distress the Middle of the Road Leads to Death


Strongman Ferdinand


Krieg und Frieden


Krieg und Frieden


The Candidate


The Candidate


Looking for a Practical and Realistic Behaviour


Looking for a Practical and Realistic Behaviour


The Power of Emotion


E. A. Winterstein, Fire Extinguisher


The Officer as a Philosopher


A Woman Like a Volcano


He Who Hopes, Dies Singing


The Flexible Entrepreneur


Der schwedische Mozart


Zwischen Mitternacht und der vierten Nachtstunde


Nach jedem Untergang kommt ein Dampfer


Conversation with Heiner Müller in Garath


Heiner Müller on Legal Questions


At Work in the Ruins of Morality


Some Kind of Shadow Machines Were Passing by


Every Frozen Structure has its Academy


Mind, Power, Castration


Rome, as Far Away as the Moon


Portrait of Heiner Müller for his 60th Birthday


“Wastage” of humans / Comrade Mauser / “Victim of History”


Frederick of Prussia


Rigor Was His Mark of Quality


Under the Sign of Mars


Heiner Müller in Time Flight


Queen of Hearts on Judgment Day


He Who Smokes Looks Cold-Blooded




The Last of the Mohicans


The Poet as Metaphor Slingshot


My Rendezvous with Death


The Voice of the Playwright


The World is Not Bad, but Full


On the Way to a Theater of Darknesses


Plowshare of Evil


The Death of Seneca


Omnivore Democracy


Epic Theater & Post-heroic Management


I Owe the World a Dead Person


Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed


Cosmic Miniatures


Yesterday Girl


Ich war Hitlers Bodyguard


Spaceflight as an Internal Experience


The Day Is Nigh


Das Beste an der ARD sind ihre Anfänge


The Execution of an Elephant


People Preparing the Staufer Anniversary


For Vertov


Die Frau auf dem Schlachtfeld


Die Frau auf dem Schlachtfeld


Mehrfachbilder Vielfalt Fuenfalt ohne blaues Ende


People Preparing the Staufer Anniversary


Nachrichten von den Staufern


Nachrichten von den Staufern


An Experiment in Love


The Eiffel Tower, King Kong and the White Woman


Dancing with Pictures


Theorie der Erzählung


Im Sturm der Zeit - Facts & Fakes


Das Phänomen der Oper


The Magic of the Darkened Soul


Mein Jahrhundert, mein Tier!


The Poetic Power of Theory


Hommage zu Manoel de Oliveiras Film-Oper Os Canibais


Zum Begriff des 'kritischen Kommunismus' bei Antonio Labriola (1843-1904)


Eomaia (Mother of the Dawn)


Mimosa Tank: A Prologue for a Film


Planetary Man


Zirkus, Richter’s Tango


In the Rock of Signs


Reason is a Balancing Animal


We Philosophers from Eve’s Rib


The Mammoth’s Homecoming, a Composition of Th. W. Adorno in the Year 1941


An Opera That Sparked a Revolution


Max Horkheimer – Philosopher and Sociologist


The Revolution is a Creature Full of Surprises


Sergej Eisenstein Stages Alexander Newski (1938) and Wagner‘s Walküre (1940)


Attack on a Thick Glass Door


String Cinema – Mathematical Minute Opera


Happy Root From Non-Identity


Light Veins


Paper Tiger Television, New York


Multiple Images for Five Projectors


Beginnings of Film Art


Yesterday Girl

(Short Story)

Happy Lamento


Rettung vor dem Tode / 4000 Jahre Liebe / Rettet Liebe vor dem Tode?


Der Deutschland-Komplex


Früchte des Vertrauens


La Paloma


Über Unterschiede beim Sprechen: 20 Beispiele


Das Beste an der ARD sind ihre Anfänge


Happy Lamento


News from the 1966 Venice Film Festival


Parsifal verlernen


Mensch 2.0 – Die Evolution in unserer Hand


Mensch 2.0 – Die Evolution in unserer Hand


News from the Great War


16 Minute-films


Blind Love – Talk with Jean-Luc Godard


Veränderung ist das Salz des Vergnügens




Moby Dick – Godzilla – Fukushima


Als die Himmel noch miteinander sprachen


A Poker Game


A Poker Game


The Tiger of Eschnapur

(Assistant Director)

Thema Amore


Brutality in Stone




The Indian Tomb

(Assistant Director)

Thema Amore








Sam Remembers Papa Kong


Five Hours Parsifal in 90 Seconds


Five Hours Parsifal in 90 Seconds


The Leaks of Venice


Pretty Woman and other stories, a film with Alexander Kluge


Anyone who dares will take the cold off their horse


Werewolves Playoffs
