House of Fools
Jump From the Roof
Суд над судьями
Two Captains
(Valya Zhukov)
Seven Old Men and One Girl
(Толик Сидоров («старик»))
Black Gull
(Антонио, филолог и поэт, ком. кубинской береговой охраны)
The White Gauntlet
Pippi Longstocking
(Director of the puppet theater)
Listen If It's Raining...
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Touches on the V. I. Lenin's Portrait
The Man from Nowhere
The Light Shines in the Darkness
(старший доктор)
Seventh Heaven
(grandfather of Egor)
(Oleg's father)
Hound of the Baskervilles
The Clock Stopped at Midnight
Весенние грозы
Love Must be Cherished
Late Child
Our Neighbors
The Man Who Was Lucky
A Man Before His Time
Lenin in Paris
House of Fools
About the Dragon on the Balcony, About the Guys and the Scooter
Operation 'Trust'
(George Radkevich)
Women Joke Seriously
(учитель математики)
A Shot in the Fog
The Girls
Caesar and Cleopatra
The Brothers Karamazov
(Николай Парфёнович Нелюдов, судебный следователь)
Each Evening After Work
(astronomy teacher)
If You Want - Believe It, If You Want - Don't
Волны Чёрного моря
(Жора Колесничук)
Операция «Трест»
(Георгий Николаевич Радкевич)