Youth with Us
Товарищ генерал
Bouquet of Mimosa and Other Flowers
Big Boy
Costume Designer
Justification Paganini
They Were Known Only By Their Faces
Spanish Actress for Russian Minister
The Rockets Should Not Fly Up
Night Without Mercy
(Joshua Howard French)
I Am 11-17
(August Sandel)
Executed at the Dawn
(Pyotr Petrovich Melentyev)
Torrents of Steel
Спутник планеты Уран
On the Eve of Departure
Improbability Theory
(Николай Сергеевич)
Poslednyaya Osen
(Mikhail Kirillovich Musatov)
The Liberation of Prague
Strong with Spirit
(Ortel - german major)
Lucia di Lammermoor
Lev Tolstoy
Third Time
No Password Necessary
The Fight in the Taiga
Maigret at the Minister
(начальник полиции)
Black Sun
The Love of Mankind
(Nikolay Paladyev)
You Will Gain In Battle
Introduction to Life
Snake Catcher
A Long Path on a Short Day
The Man Who Doubts
Starling and Lyre
Десятый шаг
Petrovka Street, Number 38
(Алексей Алексеевич Самсонов)
Time and the Conways
The Alive and the Dead
(полковник Баранов, зам. начальника оперотдела штаба армии)
Maigret is with the Minister
(Nacalnik politsii)
The Limit of Possible
(председатель конференции в Ленинграде)
(Дмитрий Владимирович Философов)