Врача вызывали?
Thunder Over Rus'
Give Me a Complaints Book
(Юрий Никитин (журналист, корресп. газеты «Юность»))
The Servant
(Andrei Andreyevich Gudionov)
Trial on the Road
(Victor Mikhailovich Solomin)
Chasing Two Hares
(Svyryd Petrovych Holokhvosty)
Children of the Sun
The Living Corpse
(court investigator)
At War as at War
(Mikhail Domeshek)
Parade of the Planets
The Theft
(Георгий Орефьев, следователь)
Treasure Island
(Long John Silver)
Young Russia
(Ларс Дес-Фонтейнес)
The Sole Witness
(Svidetel / Christo Panov)
The Outburst
The Train Has Stopped
(Ermakov, an investigator)
Failure of Engineer Garin
(Пётр Гарин)
Makar - Pathfinder
Recipe of Her Youth
(Baron von Prus)
Temptation of B.
(Иван Давыдович Мартынюк, он же Магистр)
The Truth! Nothing But the Truth!
Before Myself
(Александр Евгеньевич Воробьёв)
Today and Tomorrow
(Виктор Николаевич Кадышев)
The Diaries of a School Principal
Promise of Happiness
(Фимка Воронюк)
(Джек Рафферти)
Last Hunt
Remember Me This Way
A Story About a Simple Thing
Oleksa Dovbush
Through Main Street with an Orchestra
The Worker's Settlement
(Leonid Pleshcheyev)
A Great Road Ahead
Black Sea Girl
(Yurko Farasyuk)
The City Turns the Lights On
Friends of Games and Jokes
Житейское дело
Luna Park
(Naoum Kheifitz)
На диком бреге
Contract of the Century
Прозрачное солнце осени
The Gardener
(дядя Лёша Глазов (садовник))
Two Lines in Small Font
The Prince and the Pauper
(Гуго, предводитель шайки)
There Will Be No Leave Today
(Captain Galich)
The Bicycle Tamers
Стежки – дорожки
(Роман Калинка)
The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin
(Stepan Yegorovich)
Devil, I'm Bored
(Мефистофель / Бог)
Baltic Skies
Rebellious Outpost
Failure of Engineer Garin
(Pyotr Petrovich Garin)
Дни и годы Николая Батыгина
Russia Is Young
Treasure Island
(John Silver - sea pirate)