What the Hell Do You Want?
Pie With a Laughingstock
The Quarrel
Musical Fairy Tales
First Winter
Кто получит ананас
The Case Is Assigned To Detective Teddy. Case #002: Space Riddle
Come Back, Kapitoshka!
Carpathian Gold
Adventures of Captain Vrungel
(Chief / Mate Lom / Yacht club chairman (voice))
От Буга до Вислы
Doctor Aybolit
("One-eyed" (voice))
Hunt for the Cossack's Gold
(English Special Agent)
Gelli and Nok
Native mom, loved...
(Aleksandr Fodorovich)
DIG Squad
Home Sweet Home
Punchy Man
Treasure Island: Part I – Captain Flint's Map
(Dr. Livesey (voice))
Treasure Island
(Doctor Livesey (voice))
Let Him Perform
Eighteen Year Olds
Alice in Wonderland
(Knave of Hearts (voice))
Українські вчені в боротьбі з чумою
Treasure Island: Part II - Captain Flint's Treasure
(Dr. Livesey (voice))
Night Is Short
(Alina's Father)
Alice Through the Looking Glass
(The Black Knight (voice))
Do not rush love!
Cossack Outpost
Theatre Season
Chasing Two Hares
The Last Game
(club owner)
Adventures of Captain Vrungel
(Lom/Archibald Dandy - chief of gangsters (voice))
Doctor Aybolit
Аліса в країні чудес
(Knave of Hearts (voice))
Алиса в Зазеркалье
(The Black Knight (voice))
The ultimate reason for kings
(Harold McPherson - televangelist)