Yuji Suzuki, known as Guts Ishimatsu or Ishimatsu Suzuki, is a former boxing world champion from Kanumashi, Japan. After retiring from boxing, he has gained popularity as an actor and comedian.
Sazae-san 3
Ninja Hunt
Kita no kuni kara '92 Sudachi Part 1
Road to the Don 14
Road to the Don 15
Road to the Don 13
Space Travelers
(Yoshimasa Shoda)
The Perfect Education
(Detective Omira)
Ski Jumping Pairs: Road to Torino 2006
Flower Season
Jusei: Last Drop of Blood
Shitamachi Ninkyoden Hawk
Minbo, or the Gentle Art of Japanese Extortion
Aurora Borealis
(military police officer)
Jesus is My Boss
(Mutsuo Kuwabara)
True Record: The Life of Masahisa Takenaka Raging Lion Second Part
Hawaiian Love: Dangerous Honeymoon
(Malta Notaka)
田舎刑事 時間よ、とまれ
Battle Anthem
Mr. Lady Cinderella at Dawn
Shinran: Path to Purity
Mr. Hacchaki's Tokyo Game
Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast
(Gunroh Tabata)
(Sayoko's second adoptive father)
Kita no kuni kara '95 Himitsu
Onigiri: Arcadia monogatari
The Shogun Assassins
(Unno Rokuro)
700 Days of Battle: Us vs. the Police
(Takaakis Father)
Empire of the Sun
(Sgt. Uchida)
Dead Angle
修羅之魂 ~侠客立志編~
"Guys Who Never Learn" Part 2
Black Rain
The International Gang of Kobe
Four Days of Snow and Blood
(Sergeant Major)
The Last True Yakuza
The Great Tale of the Great Tatami Progenitor
Space Monster DEMEKING
(Tadashi Hachiya)
Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanity
(Motoji Wada)
Lone Wolf & Child: Assassin on the Road to Hell
(Hidari Jinkichi)
The Karate Man and the Spy
The Skull Soldier
A Violent School Revolution
Fuckin' Runaway
Moon Dream
Action Captain Legend: Blood Pact
Pachinko Battle Royale II
Yankee Bokou ni Kaeru SP
(Onodera Takashi)
Garden of the Wind
(Tsutomu Ishiyama)
Drop-out Teacher Returns to School
(Takashi Onodera)
Haruka Seventeen
(Miyamae Iwao)
Solitary Gourmet
Cold Case ~Shinjitsu no Tobira~