Viva Castro!
Anna Karamazoff
No Margin for Error
(Марья Васильевна, судебный заседатель)
The Rescuer
(мать Григория Ганина)
The Boys from Leningrad
The Trial
It Can Not Be Forgotten
Silver Dust
Roads and Destinies
(Люся Гармаш)
Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character
Green Lights
An Unusual Summer
Street of the Youngest Son
You're Happy, Zhenka!
(female relative)
Time of Desires
(Elderly Apartment's Owner)
It Can't Be!
(Sofya's Neighbor)
The Mire
Facts of the Past Day
No Return
(teacher (uncredited))
Night Guard
The Cat in the Bag
(collective farmer)
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears
(Anna Nikitichna, Nikolay's Mother)
Different Fortunes
(Vera Zubova)
Young People
(Ivan's wife)
Fun for Old People
(Olga Sergeyevna)
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Профессия - следователь
(Mama Very - sosedka Gubanova)