
Valentina Brumberg


Strike the Enemy on the Frontlines and at Home!


Sinbad the Sailor


Animated Soviet Propaganda


The Tale of Tsar Saltan


Ivashko and Baba-Yaga


The Night Before Christmas


Samoyed Boy


Journal of Political Satire No. 2


The Night Before Christmas


Fedia Zaitsev


The Canterville Ghost


The Brave Tailor


Little Red Riding Hood


Little Red Riding Hood


What Hitler Wants


The Hare-Tailor


One of Many


Ivashko and Baba-Yaga


New Big Troubles


Samoyed Boy


Samoyed Boy

(Production Design)

Three Fat Men


A Little Time Machine


The Tale of Tsar Saltan


Puss in Boots


Puss in Boots


The Lost Letter


Flight to the Moon


The Girl at the Circus


The Birthday Party


Wishes Come True


Stepan the Sailor


The Secret of the Far Away Island


It Was I Who Drew the Little Man


Island of Mistakes


A Magic Saving Stick


The Miraculous Bell


The Soldier's Tale


The Soldier's Tale


Big Troubles


Tsar Durandai


Sinbad the Sailor


С бору по сосенке


Стрекоза и муравей


The Magic Wand




The Lost Letter


Капризная принцесса


The Cruel Stepmother


Terrible Vavila and Auntie Arina


Puss in Boots


Puss in Boots

(Art Direction)