(La femme de la station-service)
Little Nicholas' Treasure
(Mr. Moucheboume's secretary)
Off and Running
(la jeune nonne)
One O One
Silences d'état
(Florence Portier)
Le Jour de ma mort
(Pascale Ramberg)
Superman Isn't Jewish (...But I Am a Bit)
The Model
(Cashier at Pharmacy)
La Fille aux allumettes
Madame Claude
(Shop Client (uncredited))
Arthur Rambo
The Student and Mister Henri
(Claire (uncredited))
Emily in Paris
(Sabine Enlart)
Inhuman Resources
(Florence Ancelin)
Call My Agent!
(Anastasia, la fille de la compta)
Astrid et Raphaëlle
(Employée documentation)
Astrid et Raphaëlle
(Dorota, employée documentation)