Under the Guise of "Black Cat"
(Ядгар Шакиров - следователь)
We're Waiting for You, Lad
Day Watch
Apples of Forty-One Year
Drums of Fire
The Mafia Is Immortal
(Nang Lama)
Печать царя Соломона
Main Day
Vysotsky: Thank God I'm Alive
(General KGB Israilov)
Look Out, Snakes!
Do It, Manya!
The Fault of Leutenant Nekrasov
(Artom Kazaryan)
Youth of a Genius
This is Where the Border Goes
That Was in Kokand
Labyrinths of Love
(Александр Андреевич Литвинов)
Reluctant Killer
Midnight Blues
Man Follows Birds
He Wasn't Alone
The Constellation of Love
Rainbow of Seven Hopes
(Potter Nabi)
Nothing Personal
(Zimin's chief)
Farewell, Summer Green
Meeting at high snows
In the stremine of the frenzied river
Lovers. Film 2
The Extra Arrives on the Second Path
(Prince Sherzod)
The Lovers
The Great Turan
Vysotsky. Four Hours of Real Life
Запах вереска
Code of Silence
The Bride
Death of the Black Consul
(Kamal Ubaydulla)
Without Fear
A Monster or Someone Else...
Talking Spring
Password "Hotel Regina"
Family Secrets
Big Short Life
Doublet Shooting
And Entering the Ring...
That Nice Guy
First Passengers
The Last Inspection
Today and Always
On the Second Round
Think of Your Past
Birds of Our Hopes
Officers 2
Большое небо
Следственный комитет
(Генадий Тимурович Муратов)
Initial Data: Death
(Ядгар Шакиров - следователь)
This is Where the Border Goes
Code of Silence. On the Dark Side of the Moon