
Claude Cloutier


Bad Seeds


Sleeping Betty


Sleeping Betty


Sleeping Betty


The Trenches


Mirrors of Time


From the Big Bang to Tuesday Morning


From the Big Bang to Tuesday Morning


From the Big Bang to Tuesday Morning


From the Big Bang to Tuesday Morning


Science Please! : The Wonderful World of Colour


Science Please! : The Wonderful World of Colour


Science Please! : The Wonderful World of Colour


Science Please! : The Wind


Science Please! : Slippery Ice!


Science Please! : Slippery Ice!


Science Please! : Slippery Ice!


Science Please! : The Force of Water


Science Please! : The Force of Water


Science Please! : The Force of Water


Science Please! : Wheel Meets Friction


Science Please! : Wheel Meets Friction


Science Please! : Wheel Meets Friction


Science Please! : The Internal Combustion Engine


Science Please! : The Internal Combustion Engine


Science Please! : The Internal Combustion Engine


The Persistent Peddler


Science Please!


Bad Seeds


Bad Seeds






The Trenches


The Trenches




Science Please! : The Wind

(Animation Director)



By Winds and Tides

(Consulting Producer)

The Persistent Peddler


The Persistent Peddler


