
Donald Brittain

Donald Brittain, a revered Canadian figure, remains cherished for his genuine nature and unparalleled storytelling. He created over 100 acclaimed films, like "Volcano" (1976) portraying Malcolm Lowry and "Paperland" (1979) exposing Canadian bureaucrats. His breakthrough came with "Fields of Sacrifice" (1963), marking a shift in his career. Brittain's legacy isn't just his films; his camaraderie and perfectionism left a lasting impact at the National Film Board. Two decades after his passing, his absence is deeply felt by all who knew him.


The Running Man


Thunderbirds in China


The Champions, Part 3: The Final Battle


The Champions, Part 1: Unlikely Warriors


The Champions, Part 2: Trappings of Power


Buster Keaton Rides Again


Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen


Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen


Volcano: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry


Volcano: An Inquiry into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry




The Dionne Quintuplets


What on Earth!


Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed


Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed


Helicopter Canada


Everybody's Prejudiced


Everybody's Prejudiced


Fields of Sacrifice


Small Is Beautiful: Impressions of Fritz Schumacher




The Accident


Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed


The Clouded Dawn




Fields of Sacrifice


A Trip Down Memory Lane


Tiger Child


His Worship, Mr. Montréal


Canada's Sweetheart: The Saga of Hal C. Banks


Canada's Sweetheart: The Saga of Hal C. Banks




The Apprentice


Never a Backward Step












Whistling Smith


First Stop, China


Family: A Loving Look at CBC Radio




Creative Person: Leonard Cohen


Dreamland: A History of Early Canadian Movies 1895-1939


The World Of Enrico Fermi


Setting Fires for Science



(Story Consultant)

King of the Hill


King of the Hill




Canada Vignettes: Wop May


The Champions, Part 3: The Final Battle


The Champions, Part 1: Unlikely Warriors


The Champions, Part 2: Trappings of Power


Saul Alinsky Went to War


Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle


Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle


Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle


For The Record
