Steve Krantz was a notable American film producer, best known for his work in animation and film production. He was involved in producing animated projects, including the adaptation of R. Crumb's "Fritz the Cat," which was one of the first X-rated animated films. Krantz made significant contributions to the entertainment industry through his involvement in producing various films and animation projects.
Fritz the Cat
Cooley High
Swap Meet
Which Way Is Up?
(Executive Producer)
The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat
Jack Reed: Badge of Honor
(Executive Producer)
House of Secrets
(Executive Producer)
Torch Song
(Executive Producer)
Heavy Traffic
Jack Reed: One of Our Own
(Executive Producer)
Jack Reed: A Search for Justice
(Executive Producer)
Deadly Matrimony
(Executive Producer)
Judith Krantz's Till We Meet Again
The Marvel Super Heroes
Mistral's Daughter
(Executive Producer)