Une journée de merde !
(Le patron du café)
L'Enfant Et Les Loups
Three Floors
Days and Clouds
(Acct. Terzetti)
La Grande Peur dans la montagne
(Le maire)
Rose Island
A Brighter Tomorrow
One Life, Maybe Two
(Pietro Carli)
(Le capitaine Berta)
Preuve d'amour
(Bob Green)
The Last Man on Earth
(Giuseppe Geri)
Life Kills Me
(Le père de Myriam)
The Palace
(Chef Othmar)
Italian Dream
The Desired War
Bienvenue à Bellefontaine
Family Express
Big City
Zoran: My Nephew the Idiot
La Vallée delle ombre
(Don Guido)
Welcome to the South
(Gran Maestro)
Welcome to the North
Le Cimetière des durs
Fame chimica
(Padre di Claudio)
The Adventures of Pinocchio
Frontaliers Disaster
A Fairy Tale Wedding
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
What a Life!
La tentazione di esistere
Papaya 69
The Complexity of Happiness
(Bernini Sr.)
(Man of the cast)
Our Country
(Padre di Matteo)
The Truce
(Colonnello Rovi)
Non si ruba a casa dei ladri
(Her Muller)
The Last Prosecco
(Isacco Pitusso)
We Have a Pope
Meet My Friend
(Herr Volker)
(Aldo Baretti)
Probably Love
The Hole
The Armadillo's Prophecy
(Sig. Panatta)
Unlikely Revolutionaries
Three Colors: Red
Don't Stop Me Now
(Gerard Colasante)
Lucia's Grace
(Giulio Ravi)
(Gorilla (giudice))
The Big Step
Goodbye and See You Soon
(Roberto le photographe)
Romantic Guide to Lost Places
(Concierge Excelsior/Piano Bar)
Don't Think About It
(Walter Nardini)
(Samuel's Lover)
(L'historien Cavelti)
No Man's Land
La mano senza volto
Rapt ou la Séparation des races
Le cri coupé
La Crim'
(Capitaine Paul Moreau)
Les Jupons de la révolution
(capitano Landauer)
Una pallottola nel cuore
(Don Renato)
Le lycée