First Snow
(Radio Announcer (Voice))
A Martian Christmas
(VOX / Shopper (voice))
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Live: The World Tour Live-on-Stage
(Baboo (voice))
The L.A. Riot Spectacular
(Newscaster (voice))
Power Rangers Zeo: Zeo Quest
(Baboo (voice))
Phantom: The Animation
(Master Scythe (voice))
Computer Warriors: The Adventure Begins
The Substitute
Phil's Dance Party
(Phil (voice))
Arthur's Missing Pal
(TV Announcer (voice))
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Lord Zedd's Monster Heads
(Baboo (voice))
'Til There Was You
(Newscaster Voice (voice) (uncredited))
Strange Justice
(Newscaster Voice (voice) (uncredited))
Robotech: The Movie
Digimon: The Movie
(Upamon / Angemon / Seraphimon (voice))
Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds
(Dogtanian (voice))
Phantom Investigators
Power Rangers
(Baboo (voice))
Power Rangers
(Magnetox (voice))
Big Bad BeetleBorgs
(Quincy Modo (voice))
Power Rangers
(Vacuum Cleaner Org (voice))
Everybody Loves Raymond
(Event Announcer)
Big Bad BeetleBorgs
(Shellator (voice))
Big Bad BeetleBorgs
(Borgslayer (voice))
Big Bad BeetleBorgs
(Charterville Charlie (voice))
Lady Terminator
(Dialogue Coach)
The Princess and the Pirate: Sandokan the TV Movie
Dogtanian: One for All and All for One
Dogtanian: One for All and All for One
The Return of Dogtanian
Jin Jin and the Panda Patrol
The Return of Dogtanian