Robert Guy Torry (born January 5, 1969) is an American actor and comedian.
American History X
The Last Stand
Don't Say a Word
Funny Money
I Am Comic
Sunset Park
(Boo Man)
Dead and Deader
Hood Rat
Guy Torry's Phat Comedy Tuesdays: Vol. 2
The 70s
(Dexter Johnson)
Civilian Life
(Dr. Miles Jackson)
Snoop Dogg's F*cn Around Comedy Special
Darnell Dawkins: Mouth Guitar Legend
The Animal
Axe to Grind
(Eddie Wilcox)
Hope Street Holiday
(Walter Johnson)
One Eight Seven
(Voice in Crowd)
With or Without You
Pearl Harbor
(Teeny Mayfield)
Runaway Jury
(Eddie Weese)
Slow Burn
(Chet Price)
Guy Torry's Phat Comedy Tuesdays, Vol. 1
Shaq's All Star Comedy Roast 2: Emmitt Smith
Introducing Dorothy Dandridge
(First Actor)
Back in Business
(Little Train)
Midnight Clear
(Michael Pressmore)
Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
(Doo Rag's Father)
One on One
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
As Told by Ginger
(Will Patterson (voice))
The X-Files
The Strip
Good News
(Little T)
Blind Justice
Phat Tuesdays: The Era of Hip Hop Comedy
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child
(Hugo (voice))
The Shield
(Marlon Demeral)
Right to Offend: The Black Comedy Revolution