На углу Арбата и улицы Бубулинас
Мой дом - театр
Dust Under the Sun
Mushroom Rain
Snow in July
Mournful Unconcern
The Steamroller and the Violin
Days of Eclipse
Melody for Two Voices
(Nikolay Pavlovich)
Cheka Employee
100 Days Before the Command
(The Unknown Man)
Trial on the Road
(Alexander Ivanovich Lazarev)
The Only One
Four Winds of Heaven
The Flight
(Баев, командир красного полка)
In the Zone of Special Attention
We Looked in the Death's Face
The Shore
A Long, Long Deal
(Фёдор Гаврилович, зам. прокурора РСФСР)
Inspector of Criminal Investigation
The Director of the Foster Home
(Matvey Semyonovich)
Tomorrow Was the War
(Leonid Lyuberetsky)
Twilight Time of the Day
(Konstantin Korovin)
Point, Point, Comma...
Point, Point, Comma...
(Zhenya's father)
Front Without Flanks
(Nikolai Sergeevich, commander of a partisan detachment)
Allegro with Fire
(Иванков, военный инженер 2-го ранга, командир особой группы)
Гражданин убегающий
In Transit
(Андрей Андреевич Логинов)
Flight Is Postponed
(Sergei Petrovich Bakchenin, intelligence officer)
Here Is Our House
Небо со мной
(Дмитрий Грибов)
A Story About a Simple Thing
Do Not Shoot at White Swans
(Mikhail Matveevitch)
(Andrei Petreanu)
Russian Pioneers
(Vasily Gremyakin)
Commander's Day
Kysh and TwoBriefcases
(завуч, Пал Палыч)
Man Without a Passport
(Александр Рябич)
Day of Admittance on Personal Matters
People in the Ocean
Поживем – увидим
Right to Jump
(Prokhov / Somov)
(новый комдив)
Строится мост
In a Hard Hour
A Case from Investigative Practice
(Semyon Sukharev - muzh Sukharevoy sotrudnik NII)
The Law
Someone Else's
(Алексей Путятин)
The Ship
Three days after the immortality
The Mire
(military сommissar)
The Second Attempt of Viktor Krokhin
(Stanislav Aleksandrovich)
Not the Most Successful Day
(Mitya Stepanov)
(Sergey Anisimovich Makhov)
While a Person is Alive
(Павел Федорович Широков)
Там, где нас нет
Mission in Kabul
(Aleksei Repin, military advisor)
Fun for Old People
(Vasiliy Ivanovich)
(Ivan Filippovich - predsedatel)
Ищите и найдете
(Grigoriy Zhurba)
The Last Escape
The Retired Colonel
(Привалов - полковник)
Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov
(Matvey Filimonov)
To Remember
Vacations of Krosh
(отчим Кости)