
Erast Garin


Gentlemen of Fortune

(профессор-археолог Николай Георгиевич Мальцев)

Pencil on Ice

(clown Karandash(voice))

Швейк готовится к бою

Пошехонская старина

Profession: Film Actor



The Twelve Months

(Professor (voice))

Робинзон Кузя


Girl without an Address


Meeting on the Elbe

(Tommy, a captain)

Russkiy Suvenir

(John Peebles)

The Enchanted Boy

(Martin (voice))

Lieutenant Kizhe


Where have I seen him?

(Petrushka (voice))

The Fisher Cat

(Wolf (voice))

The Post

An Optimistic Tragedy


Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Day

(Eeyore (Voice))



Cain the XVIII-th

(King Kain XVIII)



Two Days of Wonders


Valuable Kopeck

(Penny (voice))

Girl in the Jungle


(Эпаминонд Максимович Апломбов (жених))


The Legend of the Moor's Inheritance

(Judge (voice))


(питон, озвучка)

Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailor

(Tikhon Spiridonovich)

Change a Dog for a Train

The Coin

(претендент на монету)

The Return from Olympus


Much Ado About Nothing


Musical Story

(Cabbie Tarahkanov)

The Brave Tailor

(The King (voice))

Brothers Liu


The Magic Treasure


Unfinished Story


Ordinary Wonder



(uncle Grapes / shoemaker (voice))

Rasplyuev's Days of Fun

(Кандид Тарелкин)


(Prokhor Vasilievich Lykov)

If You Are a Man


Nylon 100%

(укротитель, старый артист)


Soviet Border

The Wild Swans

(The Bishop (voice))

Daughter of the Sun


A Magic Saving Stick


The Piggy Bank


Wishes Come True

(the King (voice) / король Мушамиель (голос))

The Secret of the Far Away Island

(The Professor (voice) / Профессор)

Stepan the Sailor

(Toy clown / radio voice (voice))

It Was I Who Drew the Little Man

(учитель (в титрах не указан))

Frog the Traveller

(Drake (voice) / селезень-вожак)

In the World of the Fables

(Voice Acting)

A Little Frog is Looking For His Father

(Crawfish (voice) / Рак-отшельник)

Beloved Beauty

(Tsar (voice))

The Witch

Half A Hour For Miracles

(His Majesty)

Шли солдаты

(Jakob Hoffmann - nemetskiy soldat)

Unusual Town

