Grigoriy Shpigel


The Diamond Arm

(контрабандист в Стамбуле)

A Tale of Lost Times


Завтрак у предводителя


Путешествие миссис Шелтон

Fiery Childhood

Сегодня или никогда

Северная рапсодия

And the Eternal Battle... From the Life of Alexander Blok

Кот Базилио и мышонок Пик


Осторожные козлы


Crown of Russian Empire, or the Elusives Again

Air Taxi

(Ananiy Svetlovidov, aktor)

Scarlet Sails

(Menners Jr.)

One Chance in One Thousand


Adventures of Captain Vrungel

(Secret Agent 00X (voice))

The Young Guard



Tale of the Siberian Land

(Grigori "Grisha" Galadya)

The Tale of Tsar Saltan


Air Taxi


Fear Has Big Eyes

(Кот (голос))

Academician Ivan Pavlov

(Professor Petrushev)


(von Metz)

The Horsemen

(Pvt. Schults)


(бегемот, озвучка)

The Secret of the Third Planet

(Jollier Oo (voice))

The Dog in Boots

(One-eyed Cat (voice) / одноглазый кот (граф де Рошфор))

The Twelve Months

(Gardener (voice))

In a Country of Undone Homework

(Question mark / Exclamation mark (voice))

Once Upon a Time

(советник заморского принца)

Do Not Shoot at White Swans

(Grigoriy Iozerovitch)

On Distant Shores


The Wrestler and the Clown



(signor Tomato / 1st Street Gossip (voice))

Under the Roofs of Montmartre

Circus in the Circus

The Cat's House

(Pig (voice))

The Artamonov Case

The Law of Life


(Lt. Brenner)

In the Town of S.

(адвокат Лосев)


The Invasion


New Year's Abduction

Moscow – Genova

Kak rozhdayutsya tosty

Privalov's Millions

Farewell, America!

Black Business

(Spiridon Kvasov)

About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations

(Doctor (voice) / Доктор)

Марусина карусель

(Fat Man (voice))

Contemporary of the Century


The Gadfly

(James Burton)

The Bicycle Tamers

(The Script Writer)

Game Without Rules

The Marriage of Balzaminov


The Tales for Old and Young

(Elephant (voice))

The Paradise Apples


Вся королевская рать

100 grams for Bravery

(dog keeper)

The Idiot


Starling and Lyre

(Doctor Stoeger)


Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tram

(Sotrudnik redaktsii)


(otets Valeriya)

A Sober Sparrow

Big "Wick"

(пожилой пассажир у туалета («Интермедия»))

This Isn't About Me

(The man (voice))

What Kind of Bird Is This?

(Swan (voice))

Only Not Now

(Teacher from the future (voice))

Dog and Cat

(Pig (voice, uncredited))

A Bragging Ant

(Water strider / The Sun (voice))

Golden Feather

(Army commander (voice, uncredited))

Children of the Partisan

(Photographer Spy)

The Blue Bird

(Pleasure of being rich)

The Adventures of Munchausen

Adventures of Captain Vrungel

(00X - superagent (voice))

Open Book

(директор школы)