Julián Hernández

Julián Hernández is a Mexican film director, specialized in script and direction at the University Center for Cinematographic Studies. He has been twice awarded the Teddy Award at the Berlin International Film Festival (2003). He has made several fiction short films and has participated in the area of documentary photography and different productions. Acquired notoriety with his first feature "Mil nubes de paz cercan el cielo, amor, jamás acabarás de ser amor" (A Thousand Clouds of Peace) (2003) being considered by the critic Jorge Ayala Blanco one of the twenty best films in the history of Mexican cinema.


Broken Sky




Raging Sun, Raging Sky




A Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky, Love; Your Being Love Will Never End


I Am Happiness on Earth




LIEB MICH! - Latin Gay Shorts Volume 5




Tattoo of Revenge


Raging Sun, Raging Sky


One Small Problem




I Am Happiness on Earth


Two Amongst Many


Male Shorts: International V6


Two Amongst Many


Fragmento de identidad


Fragmento de identidad


Young Man on the Bar Masturbating with Rage and Nerve




Demons at Dawn


Demons at Dawn


Mexican Men


Wandering Clouds


Wandering Clouds






The Trace of Your Lips


The Trace of Your Lips


Club Amazonas


Por encima del abismo de la desesperación



(Executive Producer)

Boys on the Rooftop




Long Sleepless Nights


Long Sleepless Nights


To Live


To Live


Asphalt Goddess


Par-courts Gay, Volume 1


Par-courts Gay, Volume 5


Signos de vida y rebeldía


LIEB MICH! - Gay Shorts Volume 4


Common Causes for a Clinical Condition



(Associate Producer)

A Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky, Love; Your Being Love Will Never End


The Day Began Yesterday


The Soft Rumor of Tumultuous Seas


The Soft Rumor of Tumultuous Seas




El dolor


El dolor


Los ríos en tiempos de lluvia


Los ríos en tiempos de lluvia


Rubato lamentoso


Rubato lamentoso


Rubato lamentoso


La transformación del cine en música






The Day Began Yesterday




Actos impuros


Actos impuros


Boys On Film 2: In Too Deep


Boys On Film 2: In Too Deep


Boys On Film 5: Candy Boy
