Carsten Byhring (born December 8, 1918 in Christiania, died April 6, 1990) was a Norwegian actor on stage, in television and in film. His career started in high school, when he performed a small pantomimer with comedic content. The cabaret scene he debuted in 1941, by Søilen Theatre in Oslo. In the period 1947-1959 he was employed at the cabaret scene Chat Noir, but made many guest appearances at the Central Theatre, The Norwegian Theatre, the Norwegian Opera and Oslo Nye Teater. Byhring appeared often in dramatic roles but was best known for his comedic talent, and he focused in particular monologue genre. He has released several classic character performances, his interpretation of Doolittle in George Bernard Shaw play Pygmalion is among his most famous. He had many film roles, but especially he is remembered as Kjell in the first 13 "Olsenbanden" films. He also produced and directed two films for children - Bear Patrol (1956) and On cruises with Terna (1958). Byhring was the older brother of Svein Byhring. In his last interview - which was made by See and Hear the spring of 1990 - said a parent with cancer Carsten Byhring that he had been a large consumer of cigarettes since he was 14. Yet he was unable to put away South State-cigarettes. "But I have at least begun to smoke filter cigarettes," he said humorously to See and Hear the interview. Shortly thereafter, Carsten Byhring away - he died of cancer 6 April 1990, aged 72. (Wikipedia)
The Olsen Gang and Dynamite-Harry
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang and Dynamite-Harry Goes Wild
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang meets The King and the Jackal
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang Takes the Gold
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang and Dynamite-Harry On The Trail
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang Never Gives Up!
(Kjell Jensen)
But The Olsen Gang Was Not Dead!
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang's Very Last Coup
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang For Full Music
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang and Data-Harry Blows Up The World Bank
(Kjell Jensen)
The Olsen Gang and Dynamite-Harry Towards New Heights
(Kjell Jensen)
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang
(Kjell Jensen)
Smuglere i smoking
(Reidar Nissen, politifullmektig)
Andrine and Kjell
Skulle det dukke opp flere lik, er det bare å ringe...
(Freddy Hansen)
Sønner av Norge kjøper bil
(Winkelbo, politiførstebetjent)
Congratulations Andersens!
(Andersens kollega)
Latterbrøl med Arve Opsahl
Operasjon Løvsprett
(Kaptein Bjerke)
Closed Ward
Pappa tar gull
(Kubeinet, fysioterapeut)
Hjem går vi ikke
The Bear Patrol
On a Cruise With Tern
Tut og kjør
Freske fraspark
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang
(Øjvind (uncredited))
Slik blir det lettere
Fengslet av Olsenbanden
((Archive footage))
Svendsen går videre
Nydelige nelliker
Sus og dus på by'n
The Chasers
Scorched Earth
Før frostnettene
Bobby's War
Mord i det hvite hus
Alle tiders kupp
(Vaktmester Evensen)
Møte med "Pæra"
(Henry "Pæra" Hansen)