Nelson Rodrigues

Nelson Falcão Rodrigues was a Brazilian playwright, journalist and novelist. In 1943, he helped usher in a new era in Brazilian theater with his play Vestido de Noiva (The Wedding Dress), considered revolutionary for the complex exploration of its characters' psychology and its use of colloquial dialog. He went on to write many other seminal plays and today is widely regarded as Brazil's greatest playwright. His plays usually dealt with topics considered taboo by Brazilian society, such as sexuality, virginity and incest, denouncing the hypocrisy of family life in the middle and upper classes.


Somos Dois


Lady on the Bus

(Associate Producer)

The Seven Kittens

(Associate Producer)

All Nudity Shall Be Punished


Mulheres & Milhões


Como Ganhar na Loteria Sem Perder a Esportiva


Engraçadinha Depois dos Trinta


O Mundo Alegre de Helô



(Short Story)

No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years

(Original Story)

Vestido de Noiva

(Original Story)

Engraçadinha Depois dos Trinta

(Original Story)

Perdoa-Me Por Me Traíres

(Original Story)

Meu Destino é Pecar

(Original Story)


(Original Story)

The Kiss

(Original Story)

Golden Mouth

(Original Story)

The Deceased

(Original Story)

The Asphalt Kiss


Bonitinha, Mas Ordinária

(Theatre Play)

The Kiss

(Original Story)

The Wedding


A Serpente

(Theatre Play)

Boca de Ouro

(Theatre Play)

Senhora dos Afogados

(Theatre Play)

Lady on the Bus

(Theatre Play)

Bonitinha mas Ordinária

(Theatre Play)

Bonitinha, Mas Ordinária

(Theatre Play)

The Seven Kittens

(Theatre Play)

Os Filhos de Nelson

(Original Story)



Lady on the Bus


Golden Mouth

(Original Story)

The Serpent

(Original Story)


(Original Story)

Family Album

(Original Story)

Boca de Ouro

(Original Story)

O Rei Pelé


Vestido de Noiva

(Original Story)

Boca de Ouro

(Original Story)

A Serpente

(Original Story)

Engraçadinha... Seus Amores e Seus Pecados


A Vida Como Ela É...


O Homem Proibido

(Original Story)

Brava Gente


Meu Destino É Pecar
