Thomas Harper Ince (November 16, 1880 – November 19, 1924) was an American silent era filmmaker and media proprietor. Ince was known as the "Father of the Western" and was responsible for making over 800 films. His untimely death at the height of his career, after he became severely ill aboard the private yacht of media tycoon William Randolph Hearst, has caused much speculation, although the official cause of his death was heart failure.
The Toast of Death
The Despoiler
In Love and War
The Deserter
The Deserter
War on the Plains
War on the Plains
The Last of the Line
Hell's Hinges
The Wrath of the Gods
The Invaders
The Italian
The Italian
Vive la France!
(Supervisor of Production Resources)
Anna Christie
The Dream
The Haunted Bedroom
One a Minute
In Old Madrid
Sweet Memories
The Family Skeleton
The Silent Man
The Mirror
The Mirror
The Heart of an Indian
The Heart of an Indian
The Heart of an Indian
The Dividend
The Taking of Luke McVane
The Darkening Trail
Keno Bates, Liar
The Home Stretch
A Manly Man
O Mimi san
Custer's Last Fight
The Revelation
On Secret Service
The Roughneck
Hard Boiled
On the Night Stage
On the Night Stage
(Scenario Writer)
String Beans
Sudden Jim
The Millionaire Vagrant
The Scourge of the Desert
The Taking of Luke McVane
(Scenario Writer)
Cash Parrish's Pal
Tools of Providence
The Taking of Luke McVane
The Conversion of Frosty Blake
The Ruse
Anna Christie
(Executive Producer)
The Three Musketeers
The Beggar of Cawnpore
The Captive God
Princess of the Dark
The Flame of the Yukon
The Dark Road
The Little Brother
Wild Winship's Widow
(Executive Producer)
The Hater of Men
The Disciple
The Disciple
The Raiders
Civilization's Child
The Jungle Child
The Vagabond Prince
The Lieutenant's Last Fight
In the Land of the Otter
Winning Back
(Scenario Writer)
The Cup of Life
The Cup of Life
The Secret of Lost River
The Reward
The Boomerang
The Outcast
The Outcast
The Typhoon
Artful Kate
The Post Telegrapher
The Invaders
On Secret Service
Sweet Memories
The Coward
The Coward
The Drummer of the 8th
The Coward
The Wrath of the Gods
The Girl, Glory
The Bargain
The Bargain
As a Boy Dreams
Between Men
The Sheriff's Streak of Yellow
The Return of Draw Egan
Knight of the Trail
The Desert Man
Maid or Man
When the Cat's Away
The Death Mask
Her Darkest Hour
The Convert
The Iced Bullet
The Fisher-Maid
The Message in the Bottle
The Stampede
Second Sight
The Stampede
The Fair Dentist
For Her Brother's Sake
The Master and the Man
The Lighthouse Keeper
Back to the Soil
Their First Misunderstanding
For the Queen's Honor
For the Queen's Honor
In the Sultan's Garden
A Gasoline Engagement
At a Quarter of Two
The Skating Bug
The Call of the Song
The Toss of a Coin
'Tween Two Loves
The Better Way
The Sentinel Asleep
His Dress Shirt
The Portrait
The Way of a Mother
Shark Monroe
Branding Broadway
The Stepping Stone
The Alien
The Stepping Stone
Passing Through
(Supervisor of Production Resources)
The Last of the Line
Somewhere in France
The Struggle
Ashes of Hope
Blazing the Trail
In the Sage Brush Country
The Man from Nowhere
(Supervisor of Production Resources)
The Devil
The Devil
Scars of Jealousy
The Poppy Girl's Husband
(Supervising Producer)
The Patriot
At the Duke's Command
Little Nell's Tobacco
Behind the Stockade
By the House That Jack Built
A Dog's Tale
The Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg
A Trip Through the World's Greatest Motion Picture Studios
Honor's Altar
Beau Revel
The Bride of Hate
Soul of the Beast
Hail the Woman
Lorna Doone
Hay Foot, Straw Foot
The Deserter
Wolf Lowry
Bad Buck of Santa Ynez
Wagon Tracks
The Dark Mirror
Greased Lightning
The Market of Vain Desire
The Hottentot
Coals of Fire
The Battle of Gettysburg
Old Mammy's Secret Code
(Executive Producer)
Behind the Times
Skin Deep
What a Wife Learned
(Executive Producer)
The Marriage Bubble
The Narrow Trail
(Production Supervisor)
A Man of Action
(Executive Producer)
Happy Though Married
When Do We Eat?
A Nine O'Clock Town
A Nine O'Clock Town
Let's Be Fashionable
The Girl Dodger
The Law of the North
The Hired Man
(Supervisor of Production Resources)
Her Husband's Friend
Other Men's Wives
(Supervisor of Production Resources)
Bullets and Brown Eyes
Bullets and Brown Eyes