The Philistines
(переводчик командующего)
Agony: The Life and Death of Rasputin
The Chief of Chukotka
(Colonel Petukhov)
Step Forward
Identification Marks None
(Szewiakow (as Pawel Pankow))
Smart Things
Arrival Day... Departure Day!
The Truth! Nothing But the Truth!
Personal Opinion
Magic Power
Black Prince
(Яков Пузырин)
Reporter from Overseas
Change a Dog for a Train
Rasmus and the Tramp
Сергеев ищет Сергеева
(Ivan Nikitich)
Two People in a New House
(Михаил Кононов)
When the Bridges Are Raised
(uncle Ilya)
The Investigation Commission
Знакомьтесь, Балуев!
Adventures of a Dentist
The Death of Pazukin
Put k serdtsu
It Doesn't Concern Me
All Remains to People
The Gadfly
Разноцветные камешки
(Cultural Activities Organizer)
Operation 'Trust'
(Putilov (voiced by Stepan Bubnov))
Fathers and Sons
12 Chairs
(инжинер Щукин)
The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce
First Visitor
Sunrise Over the Neman
Diary of a Madman
Чужое имя
(Vasiliy Stepanovich Butkevich)
The Wife
A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tears
To Remember
(Himself - archivefootage)
The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce
(Berg - prosecutor)
Операция «Трест»