Тим Талер, или Проданный смех
The Chief of Chukotka
(holder of order)
Love at First Sight
The Precious Seed
(country correspondent (uncredited))
Next to us
(Makeyev, nach. otd. kap. stroitelstva)
Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character
(porter (uncredited))
Artyomka’ Adventures
(Fedya Shinkarenko, bukhgalter)
The Value of Everything
A Friend in Court Is Better...
(policeman (uncredited))
Чужая беда
(отец Николая Маслова)
Driver Involuntarily
(Конкин, завхоз больницы)
(dyadya Grisha, uchastkovyy militsioner)
Going Inside a Storm
(vtoroy pilot)
Green carriage
(работник театра)
Goal! Another Goal!
(Ivan Kharitonych, military match referee)
A Very Old Story
(contender for groom)
Conscience Doesn't Forgive
The White Weathervane
(начальник ж/д станции)
Весна в Москве
(hostel commandant)
The Truth! Nothing But the Truth!
Next to us
The Kidnapping of a Wizard
(ded Gennadiy)
Shelmenko the Orderly
Mercy Train
12 Chairs
The Very First Space
(dormitory commandant)
Street Is Full of Surprises
(tipsy citizen)
Tomorrow's Worries
Сержант милиции
(директор ЖЭКа)