Kir Bulychyov (real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) is a Russian Soviet science fiction writer, playwright, screenwriter and literary critic. Historian and orientalist, falerist. Doctor of Historical Sciences. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1982). The pseudonym is composed of the name of the wife of Kira and the maiden name of the writer’s mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulychyova. Kir Bulychyov is one of the most popular Soviet science fiction writers. His most famous work is a series of children's books about a girl from the future Alisa Seleznyova, who had a great influence on Russian popular culture. However, he also wrote a lot of science fiction for adults, scientific works and poems. Bulychyov’s books have been filmed more than twenty times - more than any other Russian science fiction writer.
To the Stars by Hard Ways
Alice's Birthday
The Pass
The Purple Ball
Tears Were Falling
Prisoners of Yamagiri Maru
Experiment 200
Fount of Wisdom
Free Tyrant
Companion of Caviar
Apple Tree
Miracles in Guslyar
In a familiar street
Piggy Bank
Guest from the Future
May I please speak to Nina?
(Original Story)
The Witches Cave
The Witches Cave
This Fantastic World 14
(Original Story)
Island of Rusty General
Island of Rusty General
The Secret of the Third Planet
The Secret of the Third Planet
The Pass
The Kidnapping of a Wizard
The Kidnapping of a Wizard
The Kidnapping of a Wizard
A Shot or It All Started on Saturday
Two Tickets to India
Glade of Fairy Tales
Something with the Telephone
Temporary Connection
Guest from the Future
Guest from the Future
Wrong Number
Guest from the Future
Záhada tří kapitánů
Guest from the Future
Záhada tří kapitánů