Lydia Hyslop is from Greensboro, North Carolina. She studied acting, writing, and directing at UNC-Greensboro and furthered her studies in Los Angeles. Lydia acted in Zach Clark's WHITE REINDEER and VACATION! and in Chad Hartigan's LUKE AND BRIE ARE ON A FIRST DATE. She is also featured in Tim and Eric's short LA GUYZ. She directed and shot the super 8 music video 999 for North Carolina band Paint Fumes. BURNOUT is her feature film directorial debut.
White Reindeer
Luke and Brie Are on a First Date
Cat City
(Vegas Cocktail Waitress)
Modern Love Is Automatic
South of Hell
Lake Dead
(Doomed Teenager #1)
24 Exposures
(Photo Model)
Dr. Brinks & Dr. Brinks
The Ridge
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!