His film debut dates back to 1948, when Mario Soldati chose him to impersonate Fabrizio Torre, the son of former fascist Riccardo in Escape in France. This first co-starring role follows a decade of activity in important roles is that marginal. It is a recurring presence in the dramas with strong hues shot by Amedeo Nazzari and Yvonne Sanson, where he gave the best of his not inconsiderable acting skills. Accountant who graduated in the meantime as many other child actors of Italian cinema decided to leave the scene when the roles offered with the growth and job opportunities are less frequent.
The Black Devil
Black Sunday
(Prince Constantine Vajda)
Nobody's Children
(Mario Sanna)
He Who Is Without Sin...
Wild Cats on the Beach
Escape to France
(Fabrizio Torre)
The Guilty
William Tell
Woman of the River
The Dragon's Blood
Siege of Syracuse
(Giovane apprendista (uncredited))
You're on Your Own
Trouble for the Legion