Charlie Barnett is an American actor, who starred as Alex Payne on the NBC drama Ordinary Joe, as Ben Marshall on the Netflix series Tales of the City, as Alan Zaveri on the Netflix comedy series Russian Doll, as Gabe Miranda on the Netflix thriller series You, as Ian Porter on the CW series Valor, as Patrick Warner on the ABC series Secrets and Lies, and as Peter Mills - a firefighter/paramedic on the NBC drama Chicago Fire (2012-2015).
Wild Game
Last Weekend
We Are Gathered Here Today
(Max Stone)
Dance Dads
Dreams In Nightmares
Apple of My Eye
(Dr. Copeland)
Men in Black 3
(Air Force MP #2)
Private Romeo
(Ken Lee)
The Stand In
The Happy Sad
Ordinary Joe
(Eric Payne)
Orange Is the New Black
(Wes Driscoll)
Chicago Fire
(Peter Mills)
Chicago P.D.
(Peter Mills)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
(Sam Harris)
Secrets and Lies
(Patrick Warner)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
(Chuck Mills)
(Ian Porter)
Mary + Jane
Russian Doll
(Alan Zaveri)
(John 'JJ' Diggle, Jr.)
The Acolyte
(Yord Fandar)
Tales of the City
(Ben Marshall)