“Submerso” features Nando Oliveira (Cassio Nascimento), a former world surfing champion, bastard son of an aristocrat from a traditional Santa Catarina family. Nando is a well-known figure, an icon and a celebrity in the sport, but, on the other hand, he has always had a wild life, different from what is imagined as the behavior of a top athlete, getting involved in confusions, fights, always present in the most famous ballads in the country.
Lucas Heymanns
Valentina Calvimonte
Clei Grött
Mariano Bertolini
Cássio Nascimento
Jorge Marrale
Zécarlos Machado
Liz Solari
Ana Cecília Costa
Guilherme Weber
Pablo Tolosa
Renato Turnes
Guillermo Pfening
Juan Gil Navarro