At Yurigahara High School, the occult legend of "Yuriko-sama" has been handed down for generations. The existence of "Yuriko-sama" who reigns at the top of the school and brings misery to those who stand against her. The only condition to become a "Yuriko-sama" is to have the name Yuriko. In the new semester, a new "Yuriko-sama" fight begins. In order to save Yasaka Yuriko, her best friend, Shimakura Mizuki stands up and challenges the truth behind the legend.
Tina Tamashiro
Natsumi Okamoto
Yuuki Ogoe
Ayaka Konno
Kyoka Shibata
Ei Morisako
Hana Amano
Mei Tanaka
Azusa Ōhara
Yuka Nakao
Hanano Nonomura
Yūka Murayama
Rina Kannami
Daichi Kodaira
Kenta Matsui
Jyubun Fukuzawa
Ryoma Baba
Koji Mitsumizo
Jiro Sato
Yuta Hiraoka
Tsubasa Ōmori
Honoka Tachibana
Miku Tachibana
Niko Minami
Riaya Itō
Mikuru Kanda
Rina Seto
Kaho Taguchi
Minami Asahina
Katsuto Takeda
Hiroki Uchiumi