The series tells the story of Bakiza, who was surprised after the death of her rich elderly husband - Ashmawi - with Maji, his daughter, Zaghloul, who was raised in poverty away from her rich father. Ashmawi, the father of Zaghloul, tried at the end of his days to search for his daughter through advertisement in the newspapers, but the result is the arrival of his daughter Zaghloul late after his death to find his widow "Bakiza" - Suheir Al-Babyloni - arrogant and poor at the same time. The series is exposed to the paradoxes that result from the difference between the two characters and the way they deal with the difficulties they face after the death of Ashmawi, after discovering that he died penniless and that they share a legacy from which he remains after paying his debts except home.
Soheir El-Bably
Esaad Younes
Salah Qabil
Mustafa Metwalli
Zouzou Nabil
Hassan Mostafa
Sherif Mounir
Abdel Ghani Naser
Fattoh Ahmed
Mohamed Mahmoud
Samir Ghanem
Shaaban Hussein
Youssef Eid
Hafez Amin
Amal Salem
Anwar Hassouna
Abeer Adel
Fayza Abdel Gawwad
Mohamed ElShewihy
Gamal Shibl
Abu ElFotouh Emara
Olfat Sukkar
Khadija Mahmoud
Samiha Mohamed
Suzanne Saleh
Hussein El Sherif
Motawie Eweiss
Thuraya Ezz ElDein
Omran Bahr
Haridi Omran
Neemaat Abdel Nasser
Rashwan Mustafa