The story stars Antonella (Andrea Del Boca), a young woman who wants to be an actress. Working as an entertainer for children's parties, characterizing the clown Plin-Plin, she meets Nicolás (Gustavo Bermúdez) who is actually her sister Natalia's lover. Before long, Natalia appears dead. Although it is believed that it was a suicide, Antonella thinks that he murdered her, and seeking revenge, he infiltrates the world of high society.
Diego Bozzolo
Andrea Del Boca
Gustavo Bermúdez
Luis Luque
Jorge D'Elía
Virginia Innocenti
Humberto Serrano
Mónica Galán
Mimí Ardú
Hilda Bernard
Osvaldo Guidi
Osvaldo Tesser
Jorge Velurtas
Bettina Vardé
Patricia Castell
Vita Escardó