Sixteen contestants of a new survival show are taken to the Siberian taiga to compete for the price of one million euros. The rules are simple: no food, personal belongings, electricity, communications and civilization for hundreds of kilometers around. The one remains wins. Soon TV project turns into a deadly game, where LIFE becomes the main prize... What is it? Is it sick TV script? Who is behind this? And who can survive without losing their humanity?
Igor Vernik
Vladimir Verevochkin
Andrey Chadov
Linda Lapinsh
Elena Andreeva
Denis Kotov
Aleksey Chadov
Anastasiya Todorescu
Maria Kulik
Irina Voronova
Yuriy Arkhangelskiy
Sergey Zharkov
Kristina Ra
Anna Zaikova
Nikita Plashchevsky
Valeriya Repina
Anastasiya Sapozhnikova
Pavel Harlanchuk
Samvel Muzhikyan
Igor Gordin
Kristina Aleksandrova
Yuliya Volkova
Edgar Gizatullin
Grigory Vernik
Viktoriya Razumovskaya