This mystery thriller throws a Russian spin on one of the world’s most famous characters, the series follows the esteemed detective from London to stunning St Petersburg, on the trail of a suspected serial murderer. Sherlock Holmes (Maxim Matveyev) is on the hunt for Jack the Ripper. The infamous killer left a bloody trail in London and fled to the Russian Empire, with Sherlock on his tail. With new characters, Dr Kartsev and Sophia supporting Sherlock, and a new nemesis in Znamensky, this is an exciting, glossy action series.
Maksim Matveev
Vladimir Mishukov
Irina Starshenbaum
Pavel Maykov
Evgeniy Dyatlov
Konstantin Bogomolov
Yuriy Utkin
Konstantin Yushkevich
Oksana Bazilevich
Mariya Antonova
Dmitry Novikov
Sergey Chetvertkov
Evgeniy Sannikov