Pacific Drive is an Australian television series The series was conceived as a flamboyant, melodramatic soap opera and dealt with the lives of wealthy Australians living on the Gold Coast. Although criticised for being an Australian copy of the American soap opera Melrose Place, its outrageous storylines - including corporate scheming, various affairs, serial killers and a lesbian love triangle - saw the series gain a cult reputation.
Simone Buchanan
Mark Constable
Joss McWilliam
Grant Bowler
Lloyd Morris
Danielle Spencer
Libby Tanner
Steve Harman
André Eikmeier
Melissa Tkautz
Christine Stephen-Daly
Erik Thomson
Clodagh Crowe
Rebekah Elmaloglou
Chris Haywood
Virginia Hey
Peter Kowitz
Darrin Klimek
Mouche Phillips
Adrian Lee
Brett Climo
Rebecca McCauley
Kate Raison
Olivia Hamnett
Betty Lucas
John Orcsik
Martin Lynes
Salvatore Coco
Les Hill
Rowena Wallace
Paul Sonkkila
Tom Richards
Brian Vriends
Sean Scully
Salvatore Coco