The first inhabitable moon colony is man's last chance for survival. The last rocket leaves tomorrow. Forty billion want a seat, only room for 24. You have 60 seconds to explain why you should become one of the lucky moonbound24.
Ward Edmondson
Raquel Bell
Deborah Berman
Jeff Blumberg
Chandra Bond
Rebecca Both
Norma Burgess
Anna Carini
Patty Cornell
John Devereaux
Joyce Greenleaf
Peggy Ivene
Thushari Jayasekera
Christopher Karl Johnson
Suzy London
Amira Lumbly
Stephen Grove Malloy
Sandy Mansson
Judy Nazemetz
Steven Neumeier
Steve J. Palmer
Marlene Sharp
Jane Shayne
Julia Silverman
Lisa Temple
Edward Tinney
Jerri Tubbs
Laurel Vail
Mark Anthony Williams
Hannah Wolfe
Mercedes Young
Brie Carter
Cuyle Carvin
Laura LaMonaco
Dean Schaller
Tobias Forrest
Edward Joyce
Mona Marshall
Krystle McMullan
Victoria Reid
Sandra Rosko