An investigation into the nature, details and reasons for the collaboration, from 1940 to 1944, during World War II, between the Vichy regime, established in the south of France and headed by Marshal Pétain, and Nazi Germany.
Marcel Ophüls
André Harris
Solange Azan
Georges Bidault
Matthäus Bleibinger
Charles Braun
Maurice Buckmaster
Emile Coulaudon
Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie
René de Chambrun
Christian de la Mazière
Jacques Duclos
Raymond Du Jonchay
Anthony Eden
Marcel Fouche-Degliame
Raphaël Géminiani
Alexis Grave
Louis Grave
Marius Klein
Georges Lamirand
Pierre Le Calvez
Claude Levy
Pierre Mendès France
Elmar Michel
Denis Rake
Henri Rochat
Paul Schmidt
Edward Spears
Georg Stumme
Helmut Tausend
Roger Tounze
Marcel Verdier
Walter Warlimont
Maurice Chevalier
Bruno Fritz